Volume 1, No 4, 1994
The Therapist
Format: A4 Printed Journal (48pp)
ISBN: 1350-4614 (ISSN)
- Price: £3
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Editorial: Who steals donkeys?
‘How we are’ – news, views and information on:
- Who is ‘bad news’ good for? – Robin Skynner
- A new era in ethical standards for counselling and therapy – Tim Bond
- How cross-fertilisation of ideas leads to new vigour – Myrna Shoa
- The healing power of metaphor – Dr Michael Seear
- Psychonueroimmunology – a brief introduction
- Double blind or double talk?
- New research into False Memory Syndrome
- ETSI seminar
- The doctor who believes most of us are dehydrated
- The lop sided animal
- Rhasi’s applied psychology
- Registering concern
- Low back pain
- MIND report
Articles include
Fay Weldon speaks out against therapy
Best selling author bitterly attacks the grown in ‘therapy’.
Richard Bandler on the power of belief
One of the originators of NLP talks to The Therapist about the value of change.
The Bryn Melyn Experience
Following outrage from press and politicians, Brendan McNutt explains his approach.
Spiritual Healing and Psychotherapy
Dr Daniel Benor considers some of the puzzling results of spiritual healers and the implication for psychotherapists.
The Knowledge Disease
Knowledge is luggage; Sir Graham Hills believes it is best to travel light.
Think less – know more
Liesl Silverstone, author of “Art Therapy – The Person-Centred Way”, believes that far more needs to be done in counselling training to incorporate the use of spontaneous wisdom found in the creative processes involved in art therapy.
Counselling in General Practice – A conflict of ideologies?
There is an ideological clash, argues Richard House, between the philosophy of counselling and the agenda of our health care system.
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