Make student mental health a priority
There are over 2.3 million students studying in UK universities – many will experience academic, social and financial pressures – as well as mental health and wellbeing challenges. Not forgetting the social demands of making friends and integrating into a new community. Sadly, many students will suffer some sort of emotional distress during their educational journey. Stress and anxiety massively inhibit academic learning and performance. Some may present with general anxiety and low motivation; others may experience anxiety in relation to specific tasks, such as taking exams. As high levels of anxiety can lead to more serious mental health problems – and even suicide – it’s imperative we give adolescents clear information about what we need to stay mentally well, and the skills they need to cope with the many pressures they’re under today.
This is where human givens can help…
Dr Gareth Hughes, our educational director, is a nationally recognised expert on university mental health and wellbeing – he is also a Fellow of the HGI and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).
Explore Dr Hughes two informative and insightful online webinars, specifically created to help university students, parents/carers, teachers and counsellors/psychotherapists…
Help students thrive and succeed
The human givens approach is ideal for the education sector, and has been applied in many Universities and schools throughout the UK because it provides an easy, yet highly effective framework for life – focusing on our innate needs and resources. If our innate needs aren’t being met well enough in our lives – we become vulnerable to mental health and behavioural problems.
Explore the human givens approach
“Ask The Expert” podcast series
Learning and anxiety podcast with Joanna Baker – Anxiety is a huge problem for many young people today, affecting their mental health and ability to learn effectively.
We all have mental health, we all have stories to share and we all have the power to shape the future of student mental health